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ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
The value zero can be used to tell the compiler that your application uses no software UART channels at
all.  Doing so can reduce code size in cases where the compiler cannot otherwise deduce which serial
channels are used by the application.
Option ComChannels 1
' request support for one SW UART channel
Option RTC
Option RTC [On | Off]
Default: (see text)
This option, intended primarily for use with ZX devices, can be used to disable the RTC.  If an application
does not need the RTC, turning it off with this option will reduce code size and make the RTC timer
available for other purposes. The pre-defined constant Register.RTCEnabled can be used determine if
the RTC is enabled for an application, particularly useful in the expression of a #if conditional.
Option RTC Off
Option AtnChar
Option AtnChar [ <constant-expression> | Default | Off ]
Default: Off
This directive can be used to specify a special character that can be used instead of DTR signaling to
perform downloads to a ZBasic device.  This is useful in situations where the communication channel
does not support DTR or is not capable of toggling DTR fast enough to be recognized as an attention
signal.  The range of allowable values for the ATN character is 0 to 31 (&H00 to &H1F).
It is important to note that the ATN character is made part of the download image and is written to
Persistent Memory when the code is downloaded.  If, later, a program is downloaded that does not
contain Option AtnChar directive, the Persistent memory location containing the ATN character value will
be unchanged from the earlier setting.
The pre-defined variable Register.ATNChar can also be used to set or disable the ATN character.  See
section 3.7.2 for more details.
Option AtnChar &H04
Option Include
Option Include [ Public | Private ] <item-list>
Default: none
This directive can be used to add one or more pre-defined structures to the application.  If the Private
keyword is present, the structures will be private to the module in which the directive appears; otherwise
the structures will be public.
The <item-list> element consists of one or more names of pre-defined structures separated by commas. 
A list of the available pre-defined structures and their definitions is available in Appendix C.
Option Include Private Port_t, Timer16_t
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