![]() ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
Option ConsoleSpeed 9600
Option Com1Speed [ <constant-expression> | Default ]
Default: 19200
This option has been deprecated. Use Option ConsoleSpeed instead.
Option Console <serial-channel-designator>
Default: see discussion
Option Console <pin-designator> [Inverted]
Option Console None
This option, available only on native mode ZBasic target devices (both ZX and generic), allows you to
specify the serial channel (using the first form) to which output will be routed when Debug.Print,
Console.Write or Console.WriteLine are used and from which input will be obtained when Console.Read
or Console.ReadLine is used. If used, the directive must appear in the first module compiled and it must
appear after the target device is specified. Any serial channel designator that is valid for the target device
(e.g., Com1 through Com12) may be used. Note that if the specified serial channel is not open with
transmission enabled (i.e. a transmit queue has been specified) at the time output is generated, the
resulting character stream will be silently discarded. Also, the console read functions will never return if
the specified serial channel is either not open or not enabled for reception.
The default console channel is Com1 for devices with at least one hardware UART. The compile-time
constant Option.ConsoleChannel can be used in your code when it is necessary to perform different
actions depending on the console channel setting (1 implies Com1, 2 implies Com2, etc.). The value of
zero for Option.ConsoleChannel means that a serial channel is not being used for console output.
The second form allows you to specify a pin to be used for the transmission of console data using the bit-
bang method. This is most useful on devices that do not have a hardware UART or when you dont want
to dedicate a timer for the software UARTs. When this form is used, the pin specified is made an output
and set to the idle state (high for non-inverted mode, low for inverted mode). It is important to note that
when the bit-bang mode is employed the console is transmit-only; data reception is not supported. Note,
also, that there is no output queue associated with the console in this mode. The compile-time constant
Option.ConsolePin can be used in your code if you need to refer to the specified pin; zero means that
no console pin as been specified.
The third form allows you to specify that your application wont use the console at all. This can reduce
the code size and RAM use of your application.
Option Console Com2
' use Com2 for console I/O
Option Console A.2
' use pin A.2 for console output
Option Console Pin 12 Inverted ' use pin 12 for console output (inverted)
Option ComChannels [ <constant-expression> ]
Default: 4
This directive, useful only on native mode devices, can be used to reduce the amount of RAM needed by
an application by specifying a lower number of software UART channels to be supported. For example, if
your application only uses one software UART channel you can save approximately 75 bytes of RAM by
using this directive to specify that only one channel is needed. The value given must be in the range 0-4.