![]() ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
BootloaderSize <value>
Default: varies by device
This parameter provides an alternate means of specifying the bootloader starting address. The
bootloader starting address is computed by subtracting the stated size from the total Flash memory size
of the target device. The examples given below all specify the same bootloader starting address. This
parameter is not supported on target devices that reserve a fixed-size portion of Flash memory
exclusively for a bootloader (e.g. xmega devices).
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderSize 2048
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderSize "2K"
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderSize "0x800"
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderSize "&H800"
WriteWordAddress <value>
Default: 0
WritePageAddress <value>
Default: 0
If your target device contains a bootloader other than the ZBasic bootloader and your application writes to
Program Memory, your bootloader must provide entry points for write word and write page functions and
you must specify the addresses of those entry points using these device parameters. The C function
prototypes of the service routines must match those given below.
void writeWord(uint16_t addrLo, uint16_t dataWord);
void writePage(uint16_t addrLo, uint16_t addrHi);
On devices with less than 64K bytes of Flash memory, the second parameter of the writePage function is
omitted. Otherwise, the second parameter is the 64K page (zero-based) to which the previously
constructed page should be written). The source code for the ZBasic bootloader (for which source code
is provided) contains entry points which meet these requirements; they are named writeFlashWord
and writeFlashPage.
Option DeviceParameter WriteWordAddress "0x812"
Option DeviceParameter WritePageAddress "&H814"
clkCtrl <value>
Default: 0
psCtrl <value>
Default: 0
oscCtrl <value>
Default: ¹
xoscCtrl <value>
Default: 0
pllCtrl <value>
Default: 0
These parameters, usually required for and applicable only to xmega devices, are used to specify the
clock system initialization values written to the corresponding xmega registers as shown in the table