ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
UART timer. For a device running at the same speed and having a 16-bit software UART timer, the
SWUartBaseSpeed parameter is not needed.
Option DeviceParameter SWUartDivisor 8
Option DeviceParameter SWUartMinSpeed 300
Option DeviceParameter SWUartMaxSpeed 19200
Option DeviceParameter SWUartBaseSpeed 2400
ZBasicBootloader { true|false }
Default: false
This parameter specifies whether or not the target device contains a standard ZBasic bootloader. The
source code for the standard ZBasic bootloader is supplied with the ZBasic compiler and the bootloader
code is pre-built for all supported devices (not all target devices are capable of having a bootloader).
Installing the ZBasic bootloader requires a special device programmer (e.g. Atmel AVRISP MkII) but once
the bootloader is installed your application can be downloaded to the target device over the serial port.
The ZBasic bootloader also provides the necessary support for writing to Program Memory. For cases
where the ZBasic bootloader is not present, other device parameters are provided to support writing to
Program Memory for those targets and applications that need that capability.
Option DeviceParameter ZBasicBootloader true
BootloaderAddress <value>
Default: varies by device
If the ZBasicBootloader parameter is true, the ZBasic compiler assumes that the bootloader resides at
a specific address (which varies by target device). If you rebuild the ZBasic bootloader to reside at a non-
standard address you must use this parameter (or BootloaderSize, below) to tell the compiler what
that address is. The value, which may be given in decimal or hexadecimal (with either a 0x or &H prefix),
should specify the byte address of the first location of the bootloader. The value may optionally include a
k or K suffix to indicate a multiple of 1024. The examples given below all specify the same bootloader
address. This parameter is not supported on target devices that reserve a fixed-size portion of Flash
memory exclusively for a bootloader (e.g. xmega devices).
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderAddress 30720
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderAddress "30K"
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderAddress "0x7800"
Option DeviceParameter BootloaderAddress "&H7800"