![]() ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
This Boolean value, initially set to True, controls whether characters received by Console.Read()
and Console.ReadLine() are echoed back to the sending device. See the descriptions of these two
functions in the ZBasic System Library Reference for more information.
Deprecated use Option.ConsoleSpeed instead. This read-only UnsignedInteger value gives the
default console speed, the baud rate for which Com1 is configured when the system begins running.
This Boolean register contains the flag that controls whether or not the ZX issues a sign-on message
when it starts up after reset. It is a Persistent Memory value that may also be set or cleared by using the
Option SignOn directive. See Section 2.3.1 for more information.
These system values may be useful for diagnostic and other purposes. Register.CodeSize is a Long
constant that indicates the number of bytes of Program Memory consumed by your program together with
any Program Memory data items that it defines.
Register.RamSize is an UnsignedInteger constant that indicates the total number of bytes of User
RAM that is directly available to your program. Register.RamStart is an UnsignedInteger
constant that indicates address at which User RAM begins. Register.RamUsed is an
UnsignedInteger constant that indicates the total number of bytes of User RAM that your program
statically allocates. The difference between Register.RamSize and Register.RamUsed represents
the number of bytes that will be allocated automatically for the task stack for the Main() task.
Similarly, Register.PersistentSize is an UnsignedInteger value that indicates the size of
Persistent Memory, in bytes, that is available to your program. Register.PersistentStart is an
UnsignedInteger value that indicates address at which User Persistent Memory begins and
Register.PersistentUsed indicates the number of byte of Persistent Memory actually used by your
program. These values are all read-only.
This read-only UnsignedInteger value indicates the lower bound of the memory allocation heap. The
heap grows from the high end of RAM toward the beginning of RAM. As blocks of memory are allocated
from the heap (for String variables or to satisfy System.Alloc() requests), the value of
Register.HeapEnd will decrease. As blocks of memory are returned to the heap (as String variables
change or go out of scope, or due to calls to System.Free()), the value of Register.HeapEnd may
or may not increase. The value of Register.HeapEnd will not increase until the allocated block of
memory closest to its current value is freed. At that time, Register.HeapEnd will increase to be near
the lowest still-allocated block.