ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
The syntax for these advanced options is described in the ZBasic System Library Reference manual.
Also, see Section 3.30 for additional information on task management.
3.6 Semaphores
In computer science a semaphore is a mechanism used to control access to a shared resource, the idea
being to prevent more than one actor from attempting to use, modify or update a resource
simultaneously. As a physical analogy, consider a long single-lane tunnel on a roadway. A driver waiting
to enter at one end would like to be certain that no car enters the tunnel from the opposite end while he is
enroute. A semaphore indicating that a vehicle is in the tunnel would, if properly observed, help prevent
simultaneous use of the shared resource. Clearly, however, if not all drivers understand the meaning of
the semaphore or if a driver ignores the semaphore an accident is likely to occur. So it is with
semaphores in a computer program.
In a single task system there is no need for semaphores because there are not multiple actors to
coordinate. However, in a multitasking system (or a multiprocessor system) because there are multiple
actors there is a need to coordinate access to shared resources such as a serial channel, a timer a data
structure, etc. Whether or not you need to use a semaphore in your program depends on how it is
structured and what resources are shared between tasks.
The essential element of a semaphore is known in computer science as an atomic test and set operation.
The basic idea is that a method is needed to test a Boolean variable to see if it is already set true and if it
is not set then set it to true. The adjective atomic in this case refers to the fact that the testing phase and
the setting phase are indivisible. That is, once a task begins the process of testing, no other task is able
to begin testing until the first task has completed the test and set. This prevents what is called a race
The atomic test and set operation in ZBasic is provided by the System Library routine Semaphore(). To
implement a semaphore you must define a Boolean variable and ensure that it is set to False initially.
Then, whenever a task wants to use the shared resource it must first call Semaphore() passing the
previously defined variable as a parameter. If the semaphore is already set, the function will return
False indicating that the resource is busy. If the semaphore is not already set, the function will set it to
True and return True indicating that the semaphore has been successfully obtained. Once the task is
finished with the resource, it must set the semaphore variable back to False again so that the next user
may successfully acquire a semaphore on the resource. The example code below illustrates the
Dim serSem as Boolean
serSem = False
' wait until we get the semaphore
Do While (Not Semaphore(serSem))
' now we can use the controlled resources
[add code here]
' finished with the resources, release the semaphore
serSem = False
3.7 Built-in Variables
The set of pre-defined registers comprises two sub-groups: actual CPU registers and control program
variables. All of these built-in variables must be referenced using the Register prefix or within a With
Register compound statement.