![]() ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
The second important attribute is lifetime. This concept refers to how long storage space is reserved for a
variable. For variables defined at the module level, the lifetime is indefinite. They exist as long as the
program is running. For variables defined within a routine, the lifetime normally begins when the routine
begins execution and it ends when the routine finishes execution. Because these variables are
dynamically created and destroyed, they are referred to as dynamic variables. This is in contrast to the
module level variables which are static variables they exist for the duration of the programs execution.
Sometimes, it is convenient to have a variable that is visible only to the routine in which it is defined but
which is also static. ZBasic supports this concept by allowing the use of the Static attribute following
the Dim keyword in a variable definition within a routine. The Static attribute tells the compiler to
allocate space for the variable alongside the module level variables but since it is defined within a routine,
i.e., it has local scope, only the code in that routine can directly access the variable.
Private Sub mySub()
Dim var1 as Integer
Dim Static var2 as Integer
[other code here]
End Sub
The difference between var1 and var2 is that space is allocated on the stack for var1 when the routine
begins executing while the space for var2 exists as long the program is executing. Another difference is
that dynamically allocated variables like var1 have an undefined value immediately after they are
created, you have to add code to initialize them. By default, the compiler will issue a warning if you write
code that uses the value of a dynamically allocated variable before it is initialized. Note that String
variables are a special case in that they are automatically initialized to a zero length.
In contrast, statically allocated variables like var2 and all module level variables are initialized to zero just
before the Main() begins running. Each time mySub() is invoked, the value of var1 is undefined but
the value of var2 is whatever was assigned to it last. A consequence of this difference comes into play if
mySub() is recursively invoked. Each invocation of mySub() will have its own private version of var1
but they will all share the same var2.
BasicX Compatibility Note
In BasicX mode, variables cannot be defined as Static.
For all compound statements (If-Then, Do-Loop, For-Next, Select-Case and While-Wend), you may
define additional variables within the body of the compound statement. When this is done, those
variables will only be directly accessible to statements within the compound statement, including any
nested compound statements. This is another example of local scope described above. If a variable so
defined has the same name as a variable defined in an enclosing compound statement, in the routine
itself, or at the module level, the newly defined variable obscures the same-named variable defined at the
outer level rendering it inaccessible by normal means.
Module Test:
Dim i as Integer