![]() ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
Option DeviceParameter ClockFrequency 16000000
Option DeviceParameter Package "PDIP-40"
Option PortPinEncoding [On | Off]
Default: see text
When the compiler encounters an I/O port pin designator like C.2 it can convert it to the corresponding
physical pin number for the target device or it can convert it to a composite value whose fields specify the
port and the bit number. This directive controls which of these conversions is performed. When the
option is off, the result is a pin number and when it is on the result is the encoded port/pin value. The
encoded result is a Byte value that has the binary form 1PPPPnnn where PPPP represents a port index
(PortA=0, PortB=1, etc.) and nnn represents the bit number (0-7). The option is on by default for all
generic target devices and for ZX devices based on the mega328P, mega128, mega1280, mega1281,
xmega32A4 and xmega128A1 and off by default for other devices.
Option PortPinEncoding On
Option CodeLimit <limit-value>
Default: none
This option can be used to have the compiler check the size of the generated code and issue an error
message if it exceeds a specified size. The limit value is specified by a decimal number, optionally using
the suffix K or k to denote a multiple of 1024.
Option CodeLimit 32K
Option CodeLimit 32768
Option SignOn {On | Off}
Default: On
This option can be used to control the generation of a sign-on message when the ZX begins running after
a reset. The flag to control the sign-on is stored in Persistent Memory of the processor. This is important
to remember because if you download one program to the ZX that, say, turns it off and then you
download another program that has no Option SignOn directive at all, the sign-on will still be in the off
state. In other words, if you want to ensure that it is in particular state for your particular program, be sure
to include this directive. Of course, if youve never turned it off, it will still be in the On state.
Option SignOn Off