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ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
9.5 Setting Device Options
By default, the compiler generates code for the ZX-24 device.  The target device may be changed either
by adding a command line option to your project file or by adding a compiler directive to the first module
to be compiled (usually the one containing the Main() routine).  Alternatively, you may specify the target
device by using the “Device Options…” entry on the Options menu.  The resulting dialog contains a
combobox with entries for the supported devices.
Because of the large number of ZX and generic target devices that are supported, not all devices are
initially displayed in the combobox.  To add or remove devices from the combobox, click the “Edit Target
List…” button on the Device Options dialog.  After doing so, another dialog will appear that contains two
listboxes.  The listbox on the left contains the device names that will appear in the combobox on the
Device Options dialog and the listbox on the right contains the remaining supported device names. 
Device names may be moved from one listbox to the other by selecting them (multiple selections via ctrl-
click and shift click are allowed) and then clicking on the appropriate arrow button between the listboxes
to effect the move.  Clicking the OK button on this dialog will make your changes appear in the Device
Options dialog.
The Device Options dialog can also be used to update the firmware in your device or, for some ZBasic
devices, to set configuration parameters like the Program Memory EEPROM characteristics or external
RAM configuration.
9.6 Setting Target Options
For generic target devices (i.e. targets that are not ZX devices), several device parameters need to be
specified to allow the compiler to generate correct code for your specific target configuration.  When a
generic device is selected as the target device, the “Target Options…” entry on the Options menu is
enabled.  Selecting this entry will display the target options dialog.  The dialog will be populated with
either a set of default values or, if available, the values that would be seen by the compiler if it were run to
compile the current project.
The Help button on the dialog may be clicked to display an HTML file describing the dialog.  Note that
many calculations (such as baud rate and RTC accuracy) are deferred until the Apply button is clicked. 
At that time, a set of matching device parameters options is generated into an edit box in the dialog
(expose this by clicking the More button in the lower right corner).  The set of device parameters may be
selected, copied to the clipboard and pasted into the desired file.
9.7 Setting the Downloader Command
For target devices that do not contain a standard ZBasic bootloader, you must specify a downloader
command if you want the IDE to perform downloads to the device.  The downloader command is placed
in the User Options file (load it into the IDE by selecting “Open User Options File” on the Options menu)
and has one of the forms shown below for a generic Atmel AVR device.
The first form applies only to the specified device while the second form applies to all AVR devices.  The
IDE looks first for the first form for a particular device and, if not found, looks for the second form.
An example downloading command using the Atmel STK500.exe utility is shown below.  (Although this
command appears to occupy several lines it is actually one long command line.)
command.project.avr.go="c:\Program Files\atmel\avr tools\stk500\stk500.exe" -
g -ccom1 -ms -I1MHz -d$(target_device) -e -if$(project.base).hex -pf -vf -
ie$(project.base).eep -pe -ve
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