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ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
You may also define a special ISR that serves all interrupts that otherwise have no ISR assigned.  The
default ISR is defined by using the interrupt name “default” as shown in the example below.
ISR default()
If you do not define a default ISR, the compiler supplies one automatically.  The function of the
automatically-supplied default ISR is to store in Persistent memory a fault code that indicates that an
unhandled interrupt has occurred and then execute a watchdog reset.  The Persistent system variable
Register.FaultType will have the value 2 to indicate that an unhandled interrupt occurred.
6.4 Executing Blocks of Code Atomically
Compared to writing code for the VM mode devices, when writing code for the native mode devices (e.g.
ZX-24n) you must be more aware of the possibility that a sequence of statements may be interrupted
either by an Interrupt Service Routine or by a task switch.  Unless special techniques are used, another
task or ISR may get control at any time in sequence of ZBasic statements – even in the middle of reading
or writing the bytes of a multi-byte data item.
If a sequence of statements must be executed without interruption (commonly referred to as a “critical
section” or “atomic execution”), the only way to guarantee such atomicity is to disable interrupts before
the statement(s) and re-enable interrupts after the statement(s).  Clearly, one must do this carefully so
that interrupts are disabled for the least time possible in order to avoid missing a frequently occurring
interrupt and to ensure timely servicing of important interrupts.
ZBasic supports several different techniques for disabling and re-enabling interrupts for one or more
statements.  Perhaps the simplest technique, and the one that is recommended for most purposes, is to
use the atomic block construction.  An atomic block is introduced by the keyword Atomic and is
terminated by the keyword sequence End Atomic as illustrated in the example below.
Dim i as Integer
Sub Main()
       i = 200
   End Atomic
End Sub
Of course, if this were the entire application there would be no need to be concerned about atomicity of
the assignment to the variable i.  However, if the variable i is also read or written by an ISR or by
another task, the access to the variable should be protected as shown above.
The second method for guaranteeing atomicity of a sequence of one or more statements is to use the
System Library routines DisableInt() and EnableInt() in matched pairs as shown in the example
Dim i as Integer
Sub Main()
   Dim stat as Byte
   stat = DisableInt()
   i = 200
   Call EnableInt(stat)
End Sub
The disadvantage of using this method is that the compiler does not attempt to verify that the disabling
and enabling are properly paired.  Consequently, you might inadvertently omit the call to EnableInt()
which would prevent any further interrupts, effectively disabling serial I/O, the RTC, etc.
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