ZBasic Language Reference
ZBasic Microcontrollers
Seconds = Min(s, 59.999)
End Sub
Function GetHour() as Byte
GetHour = hour
End Function
Function GetMinute() as Byte
GetMinute = minute
End Function
Function GetSeconds() as Single
GetSeconds = seconds
End Function
Dim hour as Byte
Dim minute as Byte
Dim seconds as Single
End Class
Section labels may be used in any order and may appear multiple times. The order used in the example
above is suggested but any suitable arrangement may be chosen. It is important to remember that
private data members and methods are only visible to methods of the class. This is in contrast to the
situation with structures where private members are visible to all procedures within the same module but
not visible outside of the module in which the structure is defined.
4.10 Static Class Members
So far, all of the methods and data members defined in the examples have been object-specific. That
means that invoking a method or accessing a data member had to be realized via an object reference,
e.g. t.SetTime(). Within the methods themselves, the methods and data members of the class can be
accessed without an explicit object reference because the object reference is implicit.
It is possible to define methods and data members that can be accessed without any object reference,
explicit or implicit. To do so, simply add the Static keyword to the definitions as illustrated in the
example below.
Class MyTime
Sub _Create(ByVal h as Byte = 0, ByVal m as Byte = 0, _
ByVal s as Single = 0.0)
Call SetTime(h, m, s)
End Sub
Sub SetTime(ByVal h as Byte = 0, ByVal m as Byte = 0, _
ByVal s as Single = 0.0)
hour = Min(h, 23)
minute = Min(m, 59)
Seconds = Min(s, 59.999)
End Sub
Function GetHour() as Byte
GetHour = hour
End Function
Function GetMinute() as Byte
GetMinute = minute
End Function