ZBasic Virtual Machine Revision History v1.1.6 - 19 March 2006 ------------------------- - Fixed an error in the implementation of inverted mode for COM3-COM6. - Register.ResetFlags wasn't being set properly at boot time. Also, the reset flags in Register.MCUCSR weren't being cleared at boot time. - Fixed a problem with run-time generated strings used as the selection expression in a Select Case. v1.1.5 - 22 February 2006 ------------------------- - Modified the pin table for the ZX-40 to make PortD bits 0 and 1 invalid (TxD, RxD). - Corrected a problem with Mid() when used on the left hand side of an expression. The length limiting logic was not implemented properly. - Corrected a problem with IIf() when used with certain string operands. If the second of the two operands was selected and it was the result of an expression evaluation, it was inadvertently freed. v1.1.2 - 02 January 2006 ------------------------- - Fixed an error in the implementation of Long and UnsignedLong multiplication. - Added support for minimum version confirmation during downloading. - Added support for the RunTask() system library routine. v1.1.0 - 13 December 2005 ------------------------- - Added support for SetBits() and ToggleBits() library routines. - Added support for other types of EEPROM. This is only useful with the ZX-40. If a non-standard device is used, the ZX must be configured for it. See the -z option of the ZLoad command. - Fixed a problem in I2CCmd() that would occur if no data was written. The data read was not returned properly. - Fixed a problem where 0^N did not produce the correct result. v1.0.2 - 06 December 2005 ------------------------- - Corrected a problem with handling assignments to fixed-length strings. v1.0.0 - 18 November 2005 ------------------------- - First public release.